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Review: The Godparent Trap by Rachel Van Dyken

"Joy can follow sorrow." The Godparent Trap follows Colby and Rip, two longtime enemies who must put aside their differences to raise the young children of their close friends after a tragic accident leaves them orphaned. While I initially went into this story expecting it to focus on the grieving process that follows an untimely death, I was pleasantly surprised how Rachel Van Dyken was able to create a romantic comedy in what might normally be considered a drama. The laugh-out-loud moments certainly rivaled the heavier aspects of the novel and it served as a great balancing factor, making The Godparent Trap somewhat of a still light read. One of my favorite themes of the book highlights the idea that beauty can still be found within the darkest of times. It is a beautiful message and applies to individuals in all seasons of their life, not just those facing the loss of a loved one. The central concept that life is fragile and so the special moments should be held onto really resounded with me, and I think it will with so many others. This quote especially brought tears to my eyes. "One thing I had already learned was that you had to hold on to the moments - even the ones that drove you crazy. Because you never knew how long you had to enjoy them." Anyone who has watched and loved Life as We Know It will find a similarly enjoyable type of reading experience in The Godparent Trap. Thank you to HBG, Forever, and Estelle Hallick for the advance copy.

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